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Join us every Thursday at Hope Community Church for our Family Night. The heart behind this is to make it possible for everyone in the family to be out together.

There is something for everyone:

Men, Women, Kids (JK-5), and junior high Students (Gr.6-8).

Starting April 4th, the following studies will be happening: 

Men:  The men will dive into the Book of Job through the study on Rightnow Media by Vince Miller, titled "The Book of Job for Men."  They will discuss how Christian men can apply the story of Job to their lives as they encounter suffering and hardships. 

Women: The Women's group will be studing "Jesus' Farewell Message" by Francis Chan.  On the night before he was crucified, Jesus invited his disciples into a deep relationship with the triune God—and his invitation stands for us too. In this 6-part series, Francis Chan dives into John 13–17, a passage rich in promises, commands, and eternal truths. He’ll remind us we aren’t called to a part-time faith—we were made to know, walk with, and commune with God."

Kids (Jk-Gr.5) continue diving into a series called "What's in the Bible," where they will learn about the bible, the story of God's love and how it's still relevant for us today.

Jr. Highs (Gr.6-8) are on a journey to learn more about their faith through the Youth Alpha study. Students can discuss their Christian faith and ask questions. 

Please note that Registration is required for both the Kids and Jr. High Programs due to safety procedures. 

Register for Kids Club(Jk-Gr.5)

Register for Jr. High Program (Gr.6-8)